
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 25 Mar 2016 12:45 EDT
Assistance Required for an issue
Hi All,
I have requirement to populate a dropdown which are coming from a webservice ,i have written a activity and calling it on the load of the dropdown, now i have edit option(local action) beside the dropdown which on click is dispalying the list of phone numnber with the values populated and i having a validate checking the phone number validation , when i enter the wrong value and click on submit and do a cancel, value is getting posted to the clipboard, values are getting changed in the dropdown and also the referrenced places.
Kindly please assist me on this.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Naveen,
Could you please provide some screenshots of how you have this set up?
When you say you "click on submit and do a cancel", do you mean you click submit, then validation fires and prevents the submit, and then you click cancel to back out of the same form?

Tata Consultancy Services
I have a modal window on the click of the edit and on submit validation fires which i have configured in the Local Action of Validation Tab.
Validation gets fired on the submit as the modal window doesn't submit, now we are doing a cancel(both the submit and cancel are OOTB - ModalTemplate)

Tata Consultancy Services
Could you Some one help me on this issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Naveen, The behavior you describe is quite strange could you provide a RAP of your issue on a sample appliaction. (Nothing propertiery as it is public community), screenshots and a tracer of the sequence?

Screenshots were requested by Kurt but I don't see them.
From reading all of the above, it looks like perhaps you're surprised at how the screen or clipboard is being changed at certain times that you don't expect. In general, any on-click, on-click, or on-blur behavior action associated with any field can cause the data from the field to be sent to the server and to modify the appropriate clipboard page, and then if the behavior action list includes a "refresh section" one, the refresh-activity will be called, and if it changes the clipboard, such changes will be shown on the screen.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Badugu,
If you want to confirm exactly what is submitting the data to the clipboard, you could get a fiddler trace and look for the event(s?) that pass it up to the server. Once you know that, you can try and figure out how best to mitigate it.

Tata Consultancy Services
i have the Action Set (Launch Local Action, Refresh the section) on the delete icon(button).
In the Post Activity i am checking the whether it has any references in the foreign key tables and i am setting the messages accordingly.
Issue is when the use clicks on Add Row(+) icon ( we have add Item) in the Repeating Grid, a new row gets added, now the user clicks on Delete now our local action gets triggered with Submit and cancel when the user clicks on cancel the row is getting disappeared.(This is the Issue - this happening as we have the refresh the section in the action set, it get executed if give cancel or submit)
Another Issue in the same scenario is if we remove the Refresh the section from the action set on successful deletion of the record the grid is not getting updated (the delete we use here is not the OOTB -delete Item) we use activity to check if the record exists else where in the foreign key before deleting.
Kindly assist me on this.

Tata Consultancy Services
Can some one help me out on this issue?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Naveen,
Several people have asked for additional information, like screen shots. It's really hard to offer any real help without that information. I would love to see how you have this stuff configured, since I'm not sure that my mental picture based on your description is accurate (at least it doesn't seem to make sense to me). Anything you could do to help clarify the issue would be a huge help in solving it.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Naveen,
I think I have seen a situation like that in past, even when clicking the "cancel" button on the MODAL, the row was still deleted. Which version of PRPC are you using ?

Tata Consultancy Services
Pega PRPC 7.1.8