
Approval Step Status
How we check the approval step status on clipboard.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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I guess you should have a property handling the response can you check with LiveUI maybe.

If you are using the OOTB approval step in the case life cycle, then you will be setting the case status for If approved and If rejected. So you can check the case status after approval step is done.

.pyStatusWork holds the value for this which will be there in pyWorkPage

Based on Approved or reject i need to update pagelist.
Ex: few pages are displayed from intial pagelist on approval step.
If rejected i need to update in intial pagelist by removing these pages.
If approved intial page will remain same.

Can you tell me whats wrong in this.
I'm tring to remove legal approval pagelist from hardware products when the the approval status is rejected.

I don't understand this, which pagelist are you trying to remove and on what basis you need to remove?

check under .pyStatusWork value of pyWorkPage