Last activity: 31 Jul 2017 10:50 EDT
APP Explorer in the 7.1.7 designer studio not working.
Hello there,
The app explorer in designer 7.1.7 is not working and ending with the below error :
/* Problem executing pzAssemblePreprocess for RULE-HTML-SECTION @BASECLASS PZAPPEXPLORER #20140328T150714.363 GMT Problem invoking function: pega_uiengine_pzcontrol.pzActionOpenWizard--(ClipboardPab453fa71666b0404864bd1cd8dd4cdfe, com.pegarules.generated.pzActionOpenWizard_071015_E$CwNA1aRNtDQt9JROOhQw */
Any advice/suggestion will be helpful.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kapil,
Try opening the pzControl library in the Pega-UIEngine ruleset and regenerating the library.
Hello Carissa,
Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work out.
After clicking the generate library button do we need to restart the server or any other option you would like to share.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kapil,
Can you post the stack trace for the error? Also, can you verify the function is present in your system?
Hello Carissa,
Functionality is available in the system but I am not getting any stack trace of it.
Is there some other way to get it work as its effecting the dev a lot. Thanks.
Pegasystems Inc.
I do not have any other suggestions at this time. Maybe some one else has seen this before and can provide a solution.
Ok any suggestion from product support team will be useful.
Version used here is 7.1.7.
Since 3-4 days App explorer not opening class structure at all need some suggestion to bring it back.
Are you seeing either the pzActionOpenWizard_071015_E$ or files appearing the PegaTemp directory under PRGenJava/com/pegarules/generated?
If so, are they accompanied by any .log files?
Also, this should really be the same thing, but could you try to rebuild the library in SMA, under Administration > Rule Utility Library Extractor
Then enter a Rules Set: Pega-UIEngine
Library: pzControl
Ford Motor Company
Thank you Carissa, after re-generating the pzControl library in the Pega-UIEngine ruleset, my app started displaying the Content under App Explorer, we are on Pega 7.1.9.
I had to switch the app and switch again to reflect the changes.
Pega Systems
Did you restart the app too after regenerating the library? I did regenerate the library. But I am still not able to see the rules or anything.
I tried switching the app too.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kapil, Good morning!
could we please try tracing the rule 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY RULE-HTML-SECTION PZASSEMBLEPREPROCESS' and comment the error starting step in private edit to learn the outcome?
Please share your observations/thoughts, Thank you!
Hello Laurence and Phani,
Thanks for the suggestions in order to avoid much dev delay I read some where in pdn and applied below stuff to get the solution temporary also I have passed on your suggestion to admin guys here awaiting if it fixes the problem.
The temp fix i did is keep @baseclass pzAppExplorer section checked out in private mode and discard it when dev is done. It helps in bringing the app explorer back temporary.