
Last activity: 30 Jul 2015 3:18 EDT
Is any grammar check component available that can be used in text areas?
I'm looking for a grammar check component that can be used in text areas or RTEs
If not any good API which you are aware of?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Current RTE (post 7.1) uses CKEditor which has a plugin based architecture and I'm sure there is a plugin that checks for grammar. To add a plugin you may need to acquire its license for use in production systems and then modify your application's CKEditor configuration by overriding customRTEPlugins javascript object.
(This information is not published on PDN yet. I'll ask the concerned team to make the info available in this space. )

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sumit,
I would suggest you to use "SpellCheck" component on RTE. When an application user clicks the SpellCheck button on a user form, the system uses information in the SpellChecker Properties instance (based on the locale of each user) to determine which dictionaries to apply, how to operate the spellchecking algorithm, and other details.
By default PEGA provides 6 dictionaries ( instances of Binary files having *.clx naming ). If you have specific grammar needs for any specific locale, you need to create your own clx file and then specify it in your SpellCheck Property rules. ( DATA-SPELLCHECKER-PROP )
Refer :

Pegasystems Inc.
I think Sumit's question is towards checking grammar of a sentence rather than a lexical error. Our existing spellchecker AFAIK checks for spelling errors and additional checks for mistakes in hyphenated and conjugated words by splitting them but there is no component that checks for grammar like MS Word.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Current RTE (post 7.1) uses CKEditor which has a plugin based architecture and I'm sure there is a plugin that checks for grammar. To add a plugin you may need to acquire its license for use in production systems and then modify your application's CKEditor configuration by overriding customRTEPlugins javascript object.
(This information is not published on PDN yet. I'll ask the concerned team to make the info available in this space. )

Pegasystems Inc.
PRPC RTEs or Textareas don't support Grammar check yet. Pega 7 RTEs are based on CKEditor and although CKEditor has a few plugins for grammar, i don't think they work seamlessly. Its not possible to integrate 3rd party plugins with PRPC and this is something we will need to ship with the OOTB RTE. You could submit an enhancement request for the Product/Engineering team to look into.

One of the best grammar check utility is grammarly(Better Writing Made Easy | Grammarly) and also have chrome extension. But unfortunately they don't have an API at the moment