Agents are not running as per the scheduled
Agents are not running as per scheduled. Even after deleting scheduler and bouncing service we are facing same issue.
Did anyone face this issue?
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Agents are not running as per scheduled. Even after deleting scheduler and bouncing service we are facing same issue.
Did anyone face this issue?
What is error you are facing and let us know pega version, there is hotfix for 7.2.
Is it upgraded application ?
Not seeing any error. It is not running as per scheduled, it is getting delayed sometimes by 4 hrs, 12 hrs. It is 7.1.9.
Hi Ishwar,
Does that mean you are seeing a Delay in the Agents runtime? Is it a Jboss EAP Server?
Yes delay in the agents run time. It is WAS 8 server.
Hi Iswar,
Check for the schedule in SMA does it show delayed.
If so check for schedule TimeZone, are you keeping the desired timezone.
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