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Agents and queue processor
what is main diffrence between queue processor and agent ?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Below are the major differences between queue processors and agents:
1. Queue process is a replacement of standard agents from version 8 of PEGA
2. Queue processor does not require a queue class for processing because it works on kafka(publish and subscribe pattern) whereas agents (standard) requires it
3. Queue processors support both horizontal and vertical scaling
Please have a look into the below academy course for more details:
Queue Processors and job schedulers

INTELLATIV india pvt ltd
@sudhakarj3480 Hi you can get more info from the link

Bits in Glass
The queue processor in v8 is a replacement for the standard agent in Pega
Queue processor is for background process operating on the server/node that runs business logic and the queue processor will be mapped to a topic (queue). Queue processor does not require a queue class that should extend from System-Queue- class since it does not involve the typical queue processing logic that a standard agent does. It works with the publish-subscribe paradigm Each queue processor will have a real-time data flow associated with it. Associated Real-time data flow will be used to receive the messages from the topic and to process it. Queue Processor rules produce maximum throughput than standard agents because of the Kafka cluster and its partitioning capabilities
Each real-time data flow in the queue processor can process messages across 20 partitions, which means that Queue Processor rules can support up to 20 separate processing threads simultaneously without any conflicts
Mandeep Rawat

Bits In Glass
In Pega, an Agent is a background process that performs a specific task or set of tasks at predefined intervals or when triggered by certain events. On the other hand, a Queue Processor is a specialized type of Agent that is designed to process items in a queue.
The main difference between a Queue Processor and an Agent is in their purpose and functionality. While both can be used to perform background processing tasks, a Queue Processor is specifically designed to handle the processing of items in a queue. It provides a way to ensure that items in the queue are processed in a reliable and efficient manner, without overwhelming the system with too many processing tasks at once.
Agents, on the other hand, can perform a wide variety of background processing tasks that may or may not involve the processing of items in a queue. They can be configured to perform tasks at specific intervals or when triggered by specific events, and can be designed to perform any task that can be automated in Pega.
In summary, the main difference between a Queue Processor and an Agent is that a Queue Processor is a specialized type of Agent that is specifically designed to process items in a queue, while an Agent is a more general-purpose background process that can perform a wide variety of tasks.
Sumit Kumar Rajasekhar Reddy Konda

Bits in Glass
@sudhakarj3480 To be precise short and crispt,
1. We can manage node management in queue processor, so that we can distribute the tasks in a more efficient way based on the availability of resources in the nodes(vertical and horizonal scaling).
2. Queue processor uses Kafka(publish and subscribe mehanism) in which data loss will not be there for sure, where as Agent uses Database.
3. We can manage Queue processor(Standard or Dedicated) rule independently, so ease of use, where in we need manage each Agent among a set of Agent rules
Banani Pal Charitra Miryalkar

Rulesstack Private Limited
Hi @sudhakarj3480 ,
Agent is an internal background process or requestor, which gets associated with
- Schedule 2) Activity 3) Access Group 4) Mode.
Agents wake up at the scheduled time and execute their Associated activity.
When an agent wakeup, it will run on the associated access Group.
PRPC has a predefined master agent ‘System Pulse’, which wakes up all the user-created agents at their scheduled time.
An agent is an instance of Rule-Agent-Queue whereas an agent Schedule is an instance of Data-Agent-Queue.
For queue processor
Refer below link for a better understanding