LTIMindtree Limited
Last activity: 9 Dec 2024 11:37 EST
Split For Each Issue in constellation
Facing issue with updating the case from split for each shape.
As part of POC application build on Constellation UI , Used split for each shape to get approval /reject from two different users, while approving, User select the approve status and comments, then click on submit, but values are not updating into case of current page index in the page list .
Steps to followed:
1.Created Case Type and populated routing information to Page list
2. Used Split for each on Page list.
3. Created Flow and views in the data class (Page list inherited from Data class)
Flow action and View created manually.
4. Case created and flow split in to two subprocess and waiting for approval.
5. Approval (1), Subprocess opened and approved by user, while approving, user selected approve status and comments,
6. Subprocess completed but the user entered values not saved in the respective page list were spun off the case.(No locking issue observed , maintained optimistic lock)
On Submit or Save, Update case DX API is getting triggered, which has page instructions and required values that selected by user.
During the save, the patch Api was triggered
DXAPI PATCH: /application/v2/assignments/{assignmentID}/actions/{actionID}/save
Request from Service monitor-
Facing issue with updating the case from split for each shape.
As part of POC application build on Constellation UI , Used split for each shape to get approval /reject from two different users, while approving, User select the approve status and comments, then click on submit, but values are not updating into case of current page index in the page list .
Steps to followed:
1.Created Case Type and populated routing information to Page list
2. Used Split for each on Page list.
3. Created Flow and views in the data class (Page list inherited from Data class)
Flow action and View created manually.
4. Case created and flow split in to two subprocess and waiting for approval.
5. Approval (1), Subprocess opened and approved by user, while approving, user selected approve status and comments,
6. Subprocess completed but the user entered values not saved in the respective page list were spun off the case.(No locking issue observed , maintained optimistic lock)
On Submit or Save, Update case DX API is getting triggered, which has page instructions and required values that selected by user.
During the save, the patch Api was triggered
DXAPI PATCH: /application/v2/assignments/{assignmentID}/actions/{actionID}/save
Request from Service monitor-
{"pageInstructions”: [{"pxObjClass":"Code-MergeInstructions","listIndex":"1","instruction":"UPDATE","content”: {"ApproveStatus":"Approve"},"target":".Approvals"}],"additionalContent":{},"content":{}}
Respsonse Body –
Approvals Embedded object in response body json doesn’t have latest values.
Note : Did tested in the theme cosmos (tradition UI) based application, with same steps everything looks good .
Looking forward help if something missing in constellation-based application
Pega Version –
Pega 23.1