
Last activity: 16 Jan 2024 12:19 EST
Pega Archiving Support
We are exploring Pega OOTB Archiving and purging as explained here - and we are now doing some impact analysis based on below questions before we can adapt this feature:--
1) I understand when we retrieve archived case, it displays data in read-only mode. Will this have any impact if we upgrade pega platform or change UI architecture (say moving from traditional UI to constellation architecture)
2) Archival storage is determined from DSS rule - dataarchival/repositoryForStoringArchivedData. As we have several application sharing the same platform, can we seggregate this storage as DSS value is global and we don't want to store case data for all the application in one single directory
3) if in future if we decide to change the storage type (say we change from file storage to amazon s3) and move all the archived data to new repository, would we be able to retrieve the case details?
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree to add Capability tags***