Last activity: 30 Jan 2024 12:52 EST
PEGA OOTB Archival and Purge in 8.8
Hi All, We are plan to adapt PEGA OOTB Archival and Purge in 8.8.3 version via configuring the Archival setting in the case type of parent case.
But we are observing only parent case is getting archived and purged but no the child cases.
Anyone faced the same or throw some light to fix this ?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Jan 2024 4:27 EST
@MarijeSchillern Raised the incident with PEGA, after debugging with PEGA expert, we figure out that in lower version of parent case type, we have deleted child class name, which was causing the error in archival job, hence only parent case was getting archived. But post removing the deleted child class name in lower version, both parent case and child case getting archived. When asked why archival job looking for lower version of case type, they mentioned that as part of archival, they will be checking all the version of case type as there might be case created in older version and deprecated during the process. So we need to considering those case for archival process.
Updated: 13 Oct 2023 9:54 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
@Samii are you on Pega Cloud?
Please could you provide the details and steps you have carried out, as suggested in this other post ?
Did you check the Case Archiving Process and Excluding cases from archival and expunge documentation ? Also other PSC post.
In Pega 8.8.3, if you're using the Archival and Purge feature and only parent cases are being archived and purged, you may need to ensure that the child cases meet the criteria for archival and purging. Check the case type settings for the child cases and verify if they have the appropriate archival settings configured. Additionally, ensure that the child cases are resolved and meet any other criteria specified in the archival settings. If the issue persists, consider creating a custom solution to handle the child cases' archival and purging process.
@MarijeSchillern Thanks for reply. Yes, followed the documentation in PDN, which states that if we set the configuration of Archival policy in the parent case, then same will hold good for child cases until unless if child cases are not resolved. In my scenarios, all the child cases satisfying the conditions, even then when pyArchivercase and pyPurgercase job runs, only parent case is getting archived. As per documentation in PDN, both parent and child cases should get archived and purged.
Changes made are as per below: On parent case, opened the case type data instance, under settings went to Archival, set the Enable archival and set to 1 day for testing, and set the Directly purge without copying to Archival location.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Jan 2024 4:27 EST
@MarijeSchillern Raised the incident with PEGA, after debugging with PEGA expert, we figure out that in lower version of parent case type, we have deleted child class name, which was causing the error in archival job, hence only parent case was getting archived. But post removing the deleted child class name in lower version, both parent case and child case getting archived. When asked why archival job looking for lower version of case type, they mentioned that as part of archival, they will be checking all the version of case type as there might be case created in older version and deprecated during the process. So we need to considering those case for archival process.
Updated: 30 Jan 2024 12:52 EST
Canaccord Genuity Corp
@Samii : Hi, How are you validating purging cases from your end?
For ex: If you have cases case-A, case-B and case-C are resolved 1 day ago with other bunch of cases case-D, case-E etc are resolved 3 days ago , given condition in case type wide settings as purge cases which are resolved 1 day ago, here are my queries
how are you validating only case-A, case-B and case-C are purged according to the requirement, what is the validation process?
how do you validate if case is having any attachments and those attachments are deleted or not?
how do you check any back end integration that are to be mase before closing the case is completed?
Is there any place holder activity where we can add these additional things to be made before purging the case as part of the purge process
kindly share if you have any thoughts on this.
@Samii Hi All, After raising PEGA SR, and while debugging with PEGA expert, we observed that one of lower ruleset version of case type has one of deleted child class name. This was causing error while ootb archival job was running. Post removing the the deleted child class name from the lower ruleset version of case type then archival job was running fine. And now all cases parent and child cases are getting archived.