
Last activity: 13 Feb 2023 2:48 EST
pxLinkedRefTo in D_AttachmentList[LinkRefFrom:.pzInsKey].pxResults(n) is not accessible
Hi I found
Property pxLinkedRefTo in D_AttachmentList[LinkRefFrom:.pzInsKey].pxResults(n) is not accessible from a data transform by reading it instead of updating. An error is reported when save the DT
Source—Property @baseclass.pxLinkedRefTo is undefined.
while other properties in the pxResults(n) can be accessible normally, like
pxObjClass pxInsName pzInsKey
Actually all these properties can be seen in clipboard, value of pxLinkedRefTo is something like
DATA-WORKATTACH-FILE (class name) (case ID)!(time stamp)
Wonder why it can not be access from a data transform. Could you kindly suggest? Thanks.