what are pxLinkedRefFrom and pxLinkedRefto? whats difference and when we use it
can someone give difference between these 2 and any practical example when we usually use them
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can someone give difference between these 2 and any practical example when we usually use them
Hi Kiran,
Right now, I can think of an example in which you have added a follower to a case (On opening a case, Follower can be added under category 'Recent Followers' ). Here we will add an operator as a follower to a case which means operator has been linked to this case. Therefore pxLinkedRefTo will be pzInsKey of the case and pxLinkedRefFrom would be the pzInsKey of the operator. You can verify these properties in 'Link-Association-Follow' class instances.
Thank you!!
Hi Kiran,
pxLinkedRefFrom holds the handle of the content (covered) object and
pxLinkedRefTo holds the handle of the folder object.
Hi Kiran,
pxLinkedRefFrom holds the handle of the content (covered) object and
pxLinkedRefTo holds the handle of the folder object.
Remember, whenever an object is added to a folder, PRPC creates an instance of the Link-Folder concrete class - which contains the two properties.
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