filter pagelist results (.pxResults)
I have a dropdown in which I use "LIst source" which is a data page. I also pass 2 parameters in cell properties for this dropdown. First one is ".pyIssue" and the second one is ".pyGroup".
Inside datapage I call an activity.and I also pass the parameters ".pyIssue" and ".pyGroup" in that activity.
In the first step of the activity , I call "apply-datatransform" which populates a page list called "productmetadatalist". In the second step I use "property-set" to set the "productmetadatalist" to "pxResults" so that the end result should show in my dropdown list.
What I would like to do is to filter that pxResults so that it would only show the entries that has the specific Business Issue and Business Groups set in .pyIssue and .pyGroup. "pxResults" has 4 properties (Business Issue, Business Group,Product Group, Product Name). I want the drop down list to show only the entries that matches with the correct business issue and business group. In other words (BusinessIssue == .pyIssue && BusinessGroup==.pyGroup).
How can I achieve this??
Thank you!