
EvonSys LLC.
Last activity: 7 Apr 2022 15:34 EDT
PEGA DocuSign connectivity error - 8.7 personal edition
I need one help in resolving connectivity issue between pega and docusign. I am following the below pega article. But I am facing below exception while trying to configure a JSON web token from my 8.7 personal edition. This looks like system is expecting an https enabled server. But the pega document does not talk anything about that.
I have done the below steps -
1. generated a private key/ public key using keystore explorer.
2. updated the docusign developer profile with the public key.
3. uploaded the .p12 into a keystore rule in pega.
4. while creating a JWT generation profile as mentioned in the below link - I get the error - Java.lang.RuntimeException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection ?
Any help will be appreciated.