
Last activity: 8 Feb 2022 13:03 EST
Pega knowledge : how to change title length by default
How to change the by default title length, it is limited to 64 now ?
We have 35 000 articles to import from an other database, and don't want to rewrite all the title by hand.
Thank you,
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @AmelieD8, We don't have any plans to support longer titles there are some options (and loop holes here that you can opt for).
I tested the REST API import and this will allow much longer titles to be imported - however when an author next edits the article while the title will show as longer if the user changes the title then it will be shortened (and can't be increased).
If you wanted to customize this you can change the authoring page to allow larger titles. I would not suggest a title length of more than 90 (even though it is supported through the import).
So you can import and then adjust the titles over time.
Of course, there may be UI issues with displaying the longer titles (eg Interaction Portal and your help sites). I would suggest that if you decide to go with a customization here that you fully test before deploying the change in production.

@JamesCarstairs thanks for your answer
What are the impact of the length title custom in case of Pega Knowledge update ?
Concerning UX impact : is it possible to have a break line to display all the title on helpsite ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @AmelieD8 - it's possible for your dev team to customize this, however extended length titles is not something we encourage or support. I would suggest that you use this only for the import and then correct the articles where you experience UI issues after importing.
I suggest you test this in your test environment before importing anything into production.
Note: This is not something supported within the product as you should be adhering to the limit of 64 chars. If you encounter issues with the extended length of articles you will need to correct the article length.

@JamesCarstairs Thank you for the answer. I understand there is no support.
This 64 limit is really a problem for us. We would like that the product allow more chars.
We will make test with the new api 8.6.1 with the title. In 8.5 we were not allowed to import titles if they exceed the 64 length chars.

Updated: 8 Feb 2022 13:03 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@AmelieD8 Best bet would be to test this out with a few articles and see if you experience any issues. If it's the exception where you get some odd wrapping it might work ok. I have not done any extended testing and this is not on my short term plan. If you choose to go with am extended length then you will need to adjust any UI's that have subsequent issues.
Even better - stay within the limit.