
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 29 Nov 2021 1:16 EST
Office Hours: Pega Customer Service with Praveen Kumar Mankala
Join @PraveenMankala , a lead technical specialist, for the November edition of Office Hours.
Praveen is an expert in the following areas at Pega and ask him anything about:
- Pega Customer Service
- Pega Chat
- Chatbot
The Office Hours is open till November 26, 2021.
Office Hours is a new monthly interaction series with Pega SMEs. Read the following rules while asking questions:
- Follow the Pega Collaboration Center's Guidelines
- This is not a live chat. The featured guest SME will asynchronously answer questions during the week of Office Hours
- Ask questions related to the areas of expertise of the featured SME
- Questions that are open-ended or discuss rarest of the rare scenarios or trivial use cases do not qualify for Office Hours
- Upvote questions that you find interesting by clicking on Like button
- Have fun!
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Updated: 24 Nov 2021 5:08 EST

Do pega Customer service for financial service 8.6 comes with inbuild Pega Cosmos ?
Pooja Gadige

Pegasystems Inc.
Updated: 24 Nov 2021 5:08 EST

Hi Team,
Can we disable the typing area in webchatbot so user should only select from given options. Or can we show the options in the typing area so user don't type in text and only select the menu options.
Pega version - 8.5
#PegaChat #Webchatbot #PegaWebchatbot
Pooja Gadige

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, we can achieve this requirement, however, you have to configure every response as MENU. Then only the chat user can share his response by selecting Menu Options.
To disable the typing area, you need to update the pyArticlesVisible (Data-Channel-PreviewConsole)when rule to return true.
Updated: 24 Nov 2021 5:08 EST

Commonwealth Bank
We have an issue when a CSR working on 3 Live Chat case at a time , say currently CSR is working on case3 and customer 1 for case 1 reply backs .Only audio notification happens but there is no way to find out exact case for which message is received. Right now agent need to check all case one by one to look for incoming message.
In ootb interaction portal we are able to see unread message count and case tab also blink. On anlysing the code I found pycustomDCTabSection gets rendered for normal phone call interaction .But in our custom application pycustomDCTabsection is not rendering.
There is no refernce of the section ,possiblly called from javascript.
Have anyone faced such issue ,or can let me know which javascript is trigger point of it .
Pooja Gadige
Updated: 24 Nov 2021 5:08 EST

Acel Solutions Pvt Ltd
We are using Live chat with Pega Customer Service 8.2.8. We found that spell check feature is not working. Is there any way to get spell check feature in the chat box of the Interaction portal? The requirement is to get a red underline on the wrong spellings just like a regular browser spell check.
Pooja Gadige

Pegasystems Inc.
We are using the third-party component i.e. CKEditor for typing the text messages, hence by default the browser spell checker will not work.
However, to enable the spell checker for the chatbox, please review and apply the below one of the suggested solutions:
1. Updated the CPMTabChatEntry section by replacing the Rich Text Editor with Text input. In this case, the browser spell check will work. However, by using this option, you can send plain text messages only.
2. Add the Spell Checker action for the onChange event for the TabChatEntry property in the CPMTabChatEntry section.
Updated: 24 Nov 2021 5:08 EST

We recently implemented the OOTB transfer option for our chatbot. All functionality is working as expected but I am wondering if there is an OOTB report definition that would show the following data or if we would need to customise our own?
The data that we would like to capture is:
- Names of CSRs
- Transferred From and Transferred To
- Transfer Reason
For each CSR:
- Accept Time
- End Time
- Chat Handle Time
- Wait Time
- Total Duration
We haven’t yet found an already existing report that shows the above data (we were looking in the ChannelServices-Conversation-Timeline class as it seems to store each event for the conversation) but we were thinking that, as the chat transfer is OOTB, perhaps there is an OOTB report too.

Pegasystems Inc.
For transfer-related information, we have the czFetchAllConversationsTimelineEvents RD, can you please run and verify the RD results once.
If the report was not available, then can you please create it as per your requirement at your level and verify the results accordingly.