Passing parameters into dedicated queue processor
Is it possible to pass parameters or other metadata into a dedicated queue processor?
I'm using a queue processor to sync case information to a backend DB. I want to make more flexible/dynamic where when a case is queued a parameter is passed that is used to determine the action that is run.
For example, if one of the case parties changes I want to call a party update API, pass in only the updated party info, and then write any returned information back to the case.
The standard queue processor supports this to a degree and stores any parameters passed to the activity referenced in Queue-For-Processing method in the <pzActivityParams> element of the XML. The standard processor does not however, allow tuning of the QP performance: threads, max attempts or delay. Which is something we expect to need.
Dedicated queue processors support referencing activities that requires parameters but there appears to be no way to pass dynamic information into them without using a snapshot page which prevents us from using the case locking feature.