Last activity: 28 Feb 2021 18:53 EST
CreateCase API in DX API v2
I am looking to use the CreateCase API in DX API v2, for creating cases and passing some data for initializing case attributes. However, it seems that for DX API v2, unless the properties are mentioned in the Create case view, we get a error response. This seems to be controlled by the when rule pzIsRequest_V2API, however, there is no way to turn this checking off.
So, the question is, if my case type does not have a create view defined, is it not possible to pass additional attributes within the "content" tag when creating a case?
Following is the structure which I am using.
{ "caseTypeID": "MyCo-XX-Work-XX", "content": [{ "Details":{ "PropName":"Value" ,} }] }