Last activity: 15 Mar 2024 12:31 EDT
Peer Review Component Announcements
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Updated: 9 Oct 2020 2:23 EDT
Please ensure that you are installing the latest version of the component. It's a version 8.4.6 at the moment.
Version 8.4.5:
- [New] Better support for statuses for manually closed reviews
- [New] Review actions are logged in the history of a rule
- [Fix] limited best practices content column to 4000 symbols to comply with MS SQL server and Oracle limitations
Version 8.4.6 has been released, notifications about review status changes are implemented:
- [New] Email notification when review process stages change
- [Fix] Tooltip on review task list to show application version
- [Fix] Tooltip on review explorer to show RuleSet and Class of a rule
Please find latest version on the PegaMarketplace: https://community.pega.com/marketplace/components/peer-review-component
Pegasystems Inc.
We have released version 8.4.7 and 8.5.7 (for Pega 8.5) with the following features:
- IMPORTANT: when updating from previous versions, make sure to close all reviews beforehand. Otherwise, comments will be lost
- [New] Review status and comments for the whole branch
- [New] Change log for the rule is shown above comments
- [New] Combined statuses option in Review explorer, in case you create many reviews for the same branch
- [New] Review comments are synced to conventional review form
- [New] "New" meta-status in Review explorer (like "Redo") groups all rules created since the last review
- [New] Tooltip of the rule shows the availability if not Available
- [New] Status tab is a default selection in Review explorer
- [Fix] Status calculation for rules without update timestamp
- [Fix] Comments from previous reviews are not shown anymore
Please find latest version on the PegaMarketplace: https://community.pega.com/marketplace/components/peer-review-component
Cognizant Technology Solutions
@MARIK1Looking forward to check out the new features with 8.5. Quite a good improvement from last released versions.
A new version of a Peer Review Component has been released!
Pega 8.4, Pega 8.5 and Pega 8.6 are supported.
Have you ever found during a peer review that a Class was created in a wrong RuleSet? Thus have you wondered how to change RuleSet of a Class? Have you ever faced situation when merge can't be done because there are empty RuleSets left in a Branch? These issues are covered by a new verion of the Peer Review Component.
Please find full list of new features below:
A new version of a Peer Review Component has been released!
Pega 8.4, Pega 8.5 and Pega 8.6 are supported.
Have you ever found during a peer review that a Class was created in a wrong RuleSet? Thus have you wondered how to change RuleSet of a Class? Have you ever faced situation when merge can't be done because there are empty RuleSets left in a Branch? These issues are covered by a new verion of the Peer Review Component.
Please find full list of new features below:
- Version 8.4.8 | 8.5.8 | 8.6.8:
- [New] Real-time status refresh in Review navigator (without structure refresh)
- [New] Extensible Automated Housekeeping introduced
- [New] Auto-Housekeeping: empty rulesets are removed from branch
- [New] Auto-Housekeeping: Rule-DataObject are marked Done
- [New] Auto-Housekeeping: Flow pictures are marked Done
- [New] Branch Overview: DoD & best practices for branches (known limitation: edit one at a time)
- [New] Branch Overview: Review coverage metric on the quality tab
- [New] Home screen: warning & config steps for Unassigned queue
- [New] Home screen: History of Recently closed reviews
- [New] Access to review comments even for merged branches - just open a review case
- [New] Change log comes expanded by default for reviewers
- [New] Ruleset edit link for classes (in case you find it is about to be merged into wrong ruleset)
- [New] Best practices are now delivered with version 0 to avoid overwrites
- [Fix] Review status icon is greyed out on the rule form if in Redo category
- [Fix] Combined status no longer considers leftovers from deleted reviews
- [Fix] Completion flag was missing in some scenarios
Pegasystems Inc.
A new version of the Peer Review Component is finally out! This time, it comes with official support for Pega Infinity’23 and introduces the Review Model for Modular Enterprise Reuse. This is a step up in the review procedures for your project, allowing for multiple consecutive reviews. You can find more information on this and other functionalities and configurations in the updated User Guide.
Version 8.83.09:
A new version of the Peer Review Component is finally out! This time, it comes with official support for Pega Infinity’23 and introduces the Review Model for Modular Enterprise Reuse. This is a step up in the review procedures for your project, allowing for multiple consecutive reviews. You can find more information on this and other functionalities and configurations in the updated User Guide.
Version 8.83.09:
- [New] Review Model: configure a sequence of reviews, also with support of Modular Enterprise Reuse(!)
- [New] Task list: Review label added to indicate the type of review in Review Model
- [New] Task list: Merge may be directly triggered from the task list
- [New] Task list: Filter by current application, for those who wants to focus!
- [New] Task list: App tooltip displaying all apps where Branch is referenced
- [New] Task list: Branch review history available 90 days after branch deletion. Clean up agent introduced
- [New] Auto Housekeeping: Localization, Class Metadata rules are auto-reviewed
- [New] Auto Housekeeping: Ruleset mismatch is validated for Services and Service Packages
- [New] Auto Housekeeping: The Branch is marked with Ask status if more than one application layers is updated by the branch
- [New] Branch merge is disabled unless review(s) is done for the branch
- [Fix] DoD and Branch best practices can be edited simultaneously
- [Fix] Best practices were missing from Declarative Expressions
- [Fix] Best Practices were wrongly associated due to Choose Best Ruleset API
- [Fix] Task list: Performance was improved in various ways, in particular, the Complexity column was removed from some screens
Is the peer review version 8.83.09 compatible with Pega 8.8?
Also, if we have already installed a lower peer-review version 8.6.8 and wanted to upgrade it to 8.83.09, would there be any issue?
Thank you in advance.
@ArpitSharmaLSA hi,
Thanks for your question.
Please note Peer Review component version 8.83.09 is for Pega '23 and later. It should not be used with a lower versions.
Peer Review version 8.6.8 is Pega 8.6 - 8.8
Component is rule resolved, so you can install new version on top of existing one after a platform upgrade to a later version.
To enable a new component version you need to update version of component in your development application.
Updated: 15 Mar 2024 12:31 EDT
Virtusa Ltd
@_OLAP_ Is there in-built audit support for the peer review component? or any directions on it?
Details : I review a branch and approve it, the branch is merged into ruleset version. Now the audit team from the company comes and asks, ok for the previous release, was the rules reviewed? if yes, could you show report on who reviewed and what are the comments against each rule and how it went?
This is the question.
Before you answer, we have review cases; how to retrieve the ruleset association to a branch after it is merged? there is no such thing that it stores I believe.