
Last activity: 20 Nov 2024 10:30 EST
Peer Review Component Questions
Your questions and suggestions related to the Peer Review Component are welcome here.
Q: What Pega Platform versions are supported?
A: Pega Platform 8.4 is supported at the moment.
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Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

can we get this feature as a backward compatibility for V81,V82,V83? Thanks,
Ravi Kumar.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Ravi Kumar,
Thanks for your interest in Peer Review component.
Unfortunately product archive can't be installed to the lower platform version ....
We are checking if there any workarounds available; I'll update you in case of any solution available.
Thanks, Oleg
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Citizens Financial Group
@lapso Any update on whether a workaround is available for lower versions of Pega 8 ? we are on Pega 8.2 and interested in having a peer review component
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Can we have any kind of notification feature? When a reviewer complete the code review and if there any question/fixes a reviewer should have a option to send a notification to developer and vice versa when developer completes all the fixes.
Today using the peer review component we have to send email manually or reach out to developer that the code review is complete.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Suman,
That's a reasonable question and we got number of similar requests already, thus we are implementing email notifications already. It would be available in the next version; I hope it would be released next week. Please subscribe to the anouncement page ( to get informed about the release.
Thanks, Oleg
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Awesome. Thanks for the reply.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Suman,
Please find Peer Review Component Version 8.4.6 on the PegaMarketplace:
It supports email notification when review process stages change.
Thanks, Oleg
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Oleg,
Chrome is restricting the latest version to download? I am facing the same issue in my office and personal laptop. Could you please check?
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Suman,
Thanks for letting know!
It's resolved now.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Suman,
As a workaround you can select "Keep" action on the Chrome warning to complete download.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Sun Life Financial Inc
Do we ootb reporting for Peer review?
Reporting for:-
What kind of comments are left - is there any report?
What kind of review is done on the rules ?
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Sandeep,
Thanks for the good question.
Component is keeping review data so it's available for the reporting.
There is no OOTB reporting at the moment due to the missing requirements.
Could you please share details about your case? What are you trying to achieve?
Thanks, Oleg
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Hi Oleg,
Regarding reporting below are our requirements
1) Every sprint we need to generate a report of all code review comments and publish it to management
2) Today there are no reports if I have to go back and look the review comments per user story , basically I am looking for a history of all code review comments
3) For a review case , it would be great if we can have additional parameter to hold the sprint name
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

ING Bank N.V.
@Suman Palukuru You can check out these reports in the Branch-Review class to see if you can leverage any of them to satisfy your reporting needs.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

@Suman Palukuru - Hi Suman, did you find any solution on this requirement? we do have the same requirement. Please let know if you have any solution around this to get the Report of all code review comments for each Branch before merging into actual ruleset version.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

ING Bank N.V.
@lapso One question : If a Developer A assigns a review to another Developer B, until the review is complete, A should not be able to do anything with the branch. But I see that the developer can unlock , and merge the code , even if there is a pending review for it.
Can this be addressed in the next release ?
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

That's an interesting idea, thanks for sharing.
It seems that merging and corresponding restrictions are already covered by Pega Platform:
As you mentioned branch can be locked to reduce a chance for an unwanted change.
Deployment Manager allows to enable check for review completion on a branch: (step 15)
Please note, that Peer Review Component would show changed rules even if they were reviewed before the change.
Thanks, Oleg
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

@lapso Firstly I would like to congratulate your team for such a awesome feature which I have been looking for a while. Thanks!
As a reviewer of a rule, I dont see a way to set a review status 'Todo, Ask..etc' - the split button is missing. I am on 8.5.3 platform and 8.5.7 of component.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

@DhananjayU Hi, thanks for the feedback!
The rule on the screen is checked out and that's probably a reason why the review actions are not available.
Please check in the rule to ensure that review actions would be displayed.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

@_OLAP_ Thanks for the response. I think the root cause was an old branch review existed for that branch before the component application was installed. I tried with a new branch and I see Review split button rightly getting populated even when the rule is checked out/private checked out.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

@lapso Also wanted to get your thoughts on best practices. The OOTB one looks very minimal and I believe the expectation is that senior resources customize it as per their application. Was looking for some security around the Edit button- can we do something without overriding your section.
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

@DhananjayU That's right, it's a tool to capture project specific best practices. The aim is to get rid of external tools like WIKIs and to keep best practices in Pega close to the work context.
Senior resources do provide initial guidelines typically, however best practices are expected to become a common team's responsibility. Common WIKI pages are not restricted typically and we used the same approach keeping snapshots in a history for an incident cases.
I hope this would work for you.
Thanks, Oleg
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Empower Retirement
Hi @lapso,
We have added the peer review component in the application and we can see that the Data-Rule-BestPractices datatype instances are empty and the best practices are not showing up in the rules history tab .
Is there any way to get the CSV file for this data type so that we can import in the application.
Pega Version :8.4.4
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Your idea is very fresh, very convincing
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

LLoyds Banking Group
@lapsoHi, When will support for Pega 87 come out? Will the current version be compatible with 87?
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

@Manash_LSA hi,
Thanks for the question, Current version is fully compatible with Pega 8.7
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Are there any updates regarding reporting requirements,
1) Every sprint we need to generate a report of all code review comments and publish it to management for Audit purposes.
2) Today there are no reports if I have to go back and look for the review comments per user story, basically I am looking for a history of all code review comments even after the code review branch has been merged into actual ruleset version.
Thanks in advance!
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Thanks for the follw-up.
Could you please suggest how do you manage what was part of the sprint for audit? Are you using Agile Workbench?
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

Wipro Technologies
When is the peer review component for 8.7.5 version of Pega to be made available?
will the current version of Pega Peer review component be available for use in Pega 8.7.5?
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:20 EDT

SunLife FInancials
Hi, Will compatible Peer Review component be available for 8.7 or higher versions?
Updated: 24 Jul 2023 5:31 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
These questions relate to the Pega Marketplace software Peer Review Component ,.
If the documentation on that page is lacking, please provide feedback to the owner of the software.
As such @MARIK1 who is the product owner is the person best-placed to answer all the above questions.
Please tag the product owner if you require any response about that component.

Aaseya IT Services Pvt Ltd
Is there a way to restrict the the user id (who is creating a review) from selecting himself as a reviewer.

@Rajasekhar Reddy KHi, thanks for the question, there is no such restriction as a dev can create a second account if needed ....

As per my opinion you can check these links - admin articles/devops/85/adding-pipeline-premises-0

@NandhiniVenkat thanks for your question.
Current version is fully compatible with Pega Platform 8.8
New version for Pega Platform 23 would be released at the end of this year.

@ArulDevan thanks for the question.
Peer Review Component version 8.83.09 for Pega Infinity’23 has been released on the Pega Marketplace recently. Please check User Guide for details.
Please subscribe to a release updates page to get notification about new component versions: Peer Review Component Announcements | Support Center (
Below is a change list for version 8.83.09:
@ArulDevan thanks for the question.
Peer Review Component version 8.83.09 for Pega Infinity’23 has been released on the Pega Marketplace recently. Please check User Guide for details.
Please subscribe to a release updates page to get notification about new component versions: Peer Review Component Announcements | Support Center (
Below is a change list for version 8.83.09:
- [New] Review Model: configure a sequence of reviews, also with support of Modular Enterprise Reuse(!)
- [New] Task list: Review label added to indicate the type of review in Review Model
- [New] Task list: Merge may be directly triggered from the task list
- [New] Task list: Filter by current application, for those who wants to focus!
- [New] Task list: App tooltip displaying all apps where Branch is referenced
- [New] Task list: Branch review history available 90 days after branch deletion. Clean up agent introduced
- [New] Auto Housekeeping: Localization, Class Metadata rules are auto-reviewed
- [New] Auto Housekeeping: Ruleset mismatch is validated for Services and Service Packages
- [New] Auto Housekeeping: The Branch is marked with Ask status if more than one application layers is updated by the branch
- [New] Branch merge is disabled unless review(s) is done for the branch
- [Fix] DoD and Branch best practices can be edited simultaneously
- [Fix] Best practices were missing from Declarative Expressions
- [Fix] Best Practices were wrongly associated due to Choose Best Ruleset API
- [Fix] Task list: Performance was improved in various ways, in particular, the Complexity column was removed from some screens
Updated: 23 Feb 2024 0:57 EST

@_OLAP_:Is the peer review version 8.83.09 compatible with Pega 8.8?
Also, if we have already installed a lower peer-review version 8.6.8 and wanted to upgrade it to 8.83.09, would there be any issue?
Thank you in advance.

Cyient Ltd
Hi @_OLAP_ ,
We are using PegaPeerReview_20200528T143606789 version 08.83.09 on Pega 8.8.1
For audit purpose, we have requirement to get report (mostly excel file) of which all rules are changed in specific branch along with review comment (if possible) before merging branch since after merging we are not able to find merge rule in Branch-Review (W- case) instance. Is there a way to get this. I see rules are starting with pz and are FINAL so we are not able to customised any rules.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SaurabhJ7402, hi, as I understand you need to have a historical view on the merged branches and their content. This exact requiremtn is not really covered by Peer Review Component, but it provides the History report on the branches and allows to see the rules that were reviewed (status was explicitly set) and allows to read the associated comments.
To your requirements it seems more fitting the report on the Hitory-Rule, with Action = Merge and filter on the Memo.Probably this could also be joind on Pega-Social-Messgae (containing discussions).
Keep in ming that the is a clean up agent running that removes all related records after 3 months. This could be configured though.

Cyient Ltd
Hi @MARIK1 , Thank you for your response. I went through History-Rule RuleHistoryByOperator report.
Before your response, I have already implemented the functionality with some customization to pxLPBranchHeader section. After branch is reviewed and user clicks on Proceed button of modal dialog under Merge, I am calling D_pzBranchContent by passing branch id as parameter giving me all the rules which are updated in specific branch. Further, I have created one report definition on PegaSocial-Message which is giving me all the code review comments based on rule name (got from D_pzBranchContent) as parameter. After this I am creating excel having one tab with all the rules that are updated/created in branch and another tab having all the code review comments specific to each rule which I am further converting to Base64 and storing this on S3 repository.
Updated: 20 Nov 2024 10:30 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@_OLAP_ Is the peer review component compatible with Pega 24 and if not, is there a timeframe when the component will have compatibility with Pega 24?
Currently it shows compatible only till Platform 23.