Deutsche Post AG
Last activity: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT
Can I import product file created in 8.1.4-Environment to 8.3.2-Clone-Environment
We are upgrading from Pega 8.1.4 to 8.3.2 in the cloud. Setting up the staging-clone by the cloud team took a week. In the meantime we proceeded with development.
We created a product file on our 8.1.4-Dev-Environment and imported it to staging. We would like to import the same product file to the 8.3.2-Staging-Clone. In this way it would be easy to compare test results between the upgraded and the old environment. We raised an SR but cloud team could not provide an answer.
Is it fine to import this 8.1.4-product file to 8.3.2-environment?