Lloyds Banking Group PLC
Last activity: 12 Feb 2020 9:05 EST
Pega0005 alert o OOTB tables
v7.3.1 / WAS 8.5.5 / Oracle 11g
The last few days we have been seeing slowness when accessing rules in our dev instance and our alert logs indicate the below query executed frequently -
I couldn't find any reference to this query on pdn and would like to understand when PEGA would execute this query as I have never come across this one
v7.3.1 / WAS 8.5.5 / Oracle 11g
The last few days we have been seeing slowness when accessing rules in our dev instance and our alert logs indicate the below query executed frequently -
I couldn't find any reference to this query on pdn and would like to understand when PEGA would execute this query as I have never come across this one
SELECT /ASTERISK+ leading(D R H A) optimizer_features_enable(' Proprietary information hidden') ASTERISK/ r.pxInsId AS "pzRuleName" FROM PEGA_RULES_731.pr_sys_appcache_dep d, PEGA_RULES_731.pr4_rule_vw r, PEGA_RULES_731.pr_sys_app_hierarchy_flat h, PEGA_RULES_731.pr_sys_app_ruleset_index a WHERE d.pzimplementationkey = ? AND d.pzcacheconfigid = ? AND d.pzexplicitexcludecombined in (0, 2) AND d.pzappliestoclassname = '+NA' AND d.pzdepruleinsid = r.pxinsid AND d.pzruletype = r.pyclass AND r.pyruleset = a.pzrulesetname AND a.pzapphash = h.pzapphash AND h.pztopapphash = ? AND (a.pzrulesetversionmajor = -1 OR (a.pzrulesetversionmajor = r.pzrulesetversionmajor AND (a.pzrulesetversionminor = -1 OR a.pzrulesetversionminor > r.pzrulesetversionminor OR (a.pzrulesetversionminor = r.pzrulesetversionminor AND (a.pzrulesetversionpatch = -1 OR a.pzrulesetversionpatch > r.pzrulesetversionpatch OR (a.pzrulesetversionpatch = r.pzrulesetversionpatch)))))) AND r.pyclassname IS NULL AND h.pzappheight < ? AND rownum = 1 UNION ALL SELECT /ASTERISK+ leading(D R) optimizer_features_enable(' Proprietary information hidden') ASTERISK/ r.pxInsId AS "pzRuleName" FROM PEGA_RULES_731.pr_sys_appcache_dep d, PEGA_RULES_731.pr4_rule_vw r WHERE d.pzimplementationkey = ? AND d.pzcacheconfigid = ? A