
Last activity: 29 Jan 2020 11:41 EST
Application Server change from Tomcat or Ibm Websphere - But Same oracle DB - Any impacts?
Will there be any impact if we change the application server from tomcat to ibm websphere for an application running on Oracle DB? Is that not enough just making the required configurations in application server and connecting to the DB?
EX: An application (which is not in PROD) is running on Tomcat / Oracle DB in Pega v8.2. Instead of upgrading to v8.3, we chose migration approach. i.e. Have a PRPC 8.3 and migrate the product from v8.2 to v8.3. But v8.3 is running on Websphere / Oracle DB. Are there any potential issues?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****