Unable to Discard or Check-in An Offer
I have an offer in Pega Marketing 8.2. I have checked out the offer and made some changes to the flow - changing the Treatment Name and the Output template being used.
I want to check-in my changes, but an error is being generated that says:
'Error - CheckIn was unsuccessful. Original Instance does not contain Lock information. Original Instance handle: RULE-OBJ-FLOW-OFFER-PEGAMKT-WORK-OFFER-<Issue>-<Group>-<PropositionName>> #<timestamp>'
If I cancel that check-in attempt I am returned to the flow. If I hit 'Discard', I am shown the warning about discarding unsaved changes. I hit 'Discard' and the page just re-loads with the offer still checked out and my 4 options in the top right as: Check-in, Discard, Actions, Save.
Has anyone come across this issue before? I'm unable to check-in, but also unable to discard to continue my testing.
Please advise.