Where should I call the Activity which I want to execute when the Case is opened
Hello everyone,
If I want to execute some Activity at the time the case is opened, where should I call the Activity ?
Talking about the background, the expected situation is :
(1) An approval is Assigned to an Approver
(2) After that, the Approver has left for a week without performing the approval
(3) During the Approver absense, A change is made to the Decision Table that determines the Final Approver.
In the current specification, the Approval Route is replaced (rebuilt) immediately after the approval is perfomed or when the conditions of the case on the screen (for example, the amount etc.) are changed. But rebuild is not executed when the case is opened.
Therefore, when the Approver opens the case, the Approval Route has not changed since the approval was assigned to the Approver, and the changed value of the Decision Table is not reflected.
So, I want to execute the rebuild process at the timing when the case is opened.
There are 3 "Assignment" on the Flow for approval: Worklist, Workbasket, and Email. Approvers may go to Perform Harness via Review Harness or they may open Perform Harness directly.
I would like to target all of these routes.
Can anyone help me to tell how to implement this requirement ?
Thanks in advance.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***