System Architect Essentials Version 8 - Exercise System
Hello. The Version 8.1 Exercise Guide contained in the System Architect Essential Version 8 course refers to "Open the Exercise System link on each Exercise page..." on page iii of the guide. I don't notice the link on any of the Exercise pages in the course. One example is Exercise: Configuring a case type. Can you help? Thank you
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The download is at the very bottom of the page of step 3 of the first section: System Architect Essentials Exercise Overview. This downloads an OVA (Virtual Machine) that you run locally on your PC to complete the exercises.
Understood. I've completed prior courses though where the "Open Exercise System Link" was an alternative to having to download a Virtual Machine. It was a very helpful option, user friendly and convenient. Is that not available for the Version 8 course? Thank you.
Hello Frank, and what happens if the link is not available now? I tried to reset my course waiting to recover the link but without success. Any other idea to get the OVA file to use the VM again?
I have the same question/problem. I have downloaded the .OVA and trying to run it is killing my laptop. The recommended configuration is a 4GB machine. I have an 8GB machine and the VM environment is consuming more that 4GB, driving my machine into endless swapping. A clould-based environment, as referenced in the guide, would be a far superior solution. Is one available? (Also, the VM seems to be based on Version 7.)
We apologize that the Open Exercise System was unavailable. The issue has been repaired and cloud based exercise systems are now available. You should now be able to access the exercises using the Open Exercise System link within the SAE v8 and BAE v8 courses.
Still same issue after i entered the credentials its is showing credentials not recognized
I believe you are experiencing a different issue than the one described on this thread.
Double-check that you are using the exercise credentials listed on the exercise page, in the Scenario section. If that does not work, can you try clearing your cache and re-opening the exercise system from the "Open exercise system" link?
watac I experience the same problem as Rakesh.
The problem might be that the installation guide (which is referenced through the training website) still contains information regarding version 7, but the pega exercise is platform 8 and (probably) has different credentials.
The exercise website itself does not display any credentials, just a download link.
watac I experience the same problem as Rakesh.
The problem might be that the installation guide (which is referenced through the training website) still contains information regarding version 7, but the pega exercise is platform 8 and (probably) has different credentials.
The exercise website itself does not display any credentials, just a download link.
Edit: Regarding the credentials you mentioned in the exercise section, both Exercise: Configuring a case type and Exercise: Designing a data model credentials are not valid. Note: this is immediately when starting the VM, the first time prompts for pega credentials
Edit2: Finally got it working, I have to say that it is not only completely unintuitive, the information regarding the VM and accessing said excercises is completely missing on the course website.
"the information regarding the completely missing from the course website."
The VM User Guide contains the information you need for downloading, setting up, and using the VM. This guide is available in the Downloading the exercise system lesson.