
Wipro Ltd
Last activity: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT
Exercise system : system architect essentials 8
As per the Sytem Architect Essentials exercise guide, I am not able to Login as
author_cm@gogoroad using the password rules
However I can login with [email protected].
To start the exercise, I need to login as
Log in toApp Studioas the user author_cm@gogoroad using the password rules
Please help.
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IQZ Systems
What is the error you are getting while you login with author_cm@gogoroad using the password rules?
If you are able login with [email protected]
Goto DevStudio >> from left navigation choose Records >> Organization >> Operator ID
click on the operator id author_cm@gogoroad from the list, operator record will be opened click on security tab as below
You can update the password using Update Password option
Make sure Disable Operator is unchecked.
Save this and logout and try to login with the password you updated.

Wipro Ltd
Thanks a lot for your response
I am not able to find the author_cm@gogoroad operator Id from the list, and I have not created it as well.
is it system defined operator id or do we need to create and do we need to create any application to create an operator.
Please advice

Wipro Ltd
Thanks a lot for your response
I am not able to find the author_cm@gogoroad operator Id from the list, and I have not created it as well.
is it system defined operator id or do we need to create and do we need to create any application to create an operator.
Please advice
Error is like : the information you entered was not recognized.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Where are you practicing the exercises?
Is it in the cloud exercise system or your Personal edition?
ramesh reddy

Wipro Ltd
Personal Edition, Got it. so the above mentioned operator ID already exists in the cloud exercise system, right.
I can see the cloud exercise system in the course.
Thanks a lot for your quick response.

Wipro Ltd
Hi kanap2
Personal Edition, Got it. so the above mentioned operator ID already exists in the cloud exercise system, right.
I can see the cloud exercise system in the course.
Thanks a lot for your quick response.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, those operators already exist in the cloud exercise system.
ramesh reddy

Wipro Ltd
Personal Edition, Got it. so the above mentioned operator ID already exists in the cloud exercise system, right.
I can see the cloud exercise system in the course.
Thanks a lot for your quick response.