Last activity: 11 Sep 2018 8:53 EDT
Question on usage of PegaSurvey in mobile app
We are working in a Pega 7.2.2 application and our app is running in both mob and desktop versions. We have a plan to upgrade the s/w and we are still not yet decided on which higher version is going to use in our application.We all know that PegaSurvey would come as a part of product feature from V7.3 onwards. If we start using PegaSurvey to replace our custom code used in the questionnaire sections (UI), what are all the extra steps or extra work to be considered from the mobile version stand point? I know that we won't see any issues while using it in Desktop version after upgrade. Please let me know and give me any documentation for my question stand point of view.
Ravi Kumar Pisupati.