
Myknowtech B.V
Last activity: 14 Aug 2018 3:29 EDT
PRRuntimeException: Encountered database exception when preprocessing deferred operations
Hi All,
One case in our production environment is throwing the below error, whenever we tried to commit.
We do use notes as a pagelist property and the size of pagelist is 83 with heavy data.
Below is the pega log
Caused by: Irregular or Corrupted Stream. Unable to read string property. Array length: 1048576, start index: 5736, num bytes: 7602176 at at
I didn't paste my entire stack trace, it is exactly the same as below in the link
I do see the hotfix for Pega 7.2.1 from the above article.
Can you please provide the necessary hotfix for Pega 7.3.0
Expecting a quick response. Thanks a lot.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****