
Vodafone Ziggo
Last activity: 19 May 2018 4:01 EDT
While parsing the date in the service, It parsed with YYYYMMDD0101
I have an issue while parsing the date field.
I have a service, where I have a date element. From the other system, the date is parsed in both format "YYYY-MM-DD" and "YYYYMMDD". It works in Pega 7.1.8.
But one format "YYYYMMDD" doesn't works fine in Pega 7.3.1. While parsing it takes the date value in tracer as "YYYYMMDD0101" which is not a date value.
There is an article on this one ( ). I changed the SwitchToOldAssembler Dynamic System Setting also. Still the value is passed like the above.
Can anyone help me on this issue?