PL/V8 UDFs for Postgres on AWS RDS
We installed Pega 7.3.1 with AWS RDS Postgres 9.4.11. We also have PFS 7.2.4 . There are few UDFs (For ex: pr_read_from_stream) used to retrieve the data from blob using out of the box report definitions. However, since AWS RDS does not support PL/Java, we are unable to install the UDFs. We came to know that the Pegacloud team is also using AWS RDS Postgres as the backend with PL/V8 UDFs instead of PL/Java UDFs to get around this specific limitation. Can we get the link to PL/V8 versions of the Pega 7.3.1 UDFs?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****