
Last activity: 8 Jan 2018 21:41 EST
Expanding all rows of a repeat grid which is sourcing data from a parameterised data page by clicking on a button
I am sourcing a repeat grid from a parameterised data page. On click of a button I have to expand all the rows of the grid.
In operation tab I have selected master details and populated ExpandGridRowDetails as the template name. Checked Display details read-only, Display an expand/collapse icon per row, Allow column sorting ( Additional settings on column ) and Enable displaying details on multiple rows.
On click of the certain button (present on top of the grid) I have executed a data transform which loops over the source data page and set .pyExpanded to true. Added one more action Refresh list / Refresh this section.
But after clicking on the button modal dialog box is automatically getting closed and the grid is not even getting populated for the next time.