
Last activity: 13 Oct 2017 7:59 EDT
Logging Configuration Post update to 7.3 from 7.1.8
Hi Team,
Recently we have updated the PRPC from 7..8 to 7.3. Post update we found logs are not writing as per the prior configuration.
We have analysed below mentioned
1. prlogging.xml is customized in custom parth (7.1.8 Configuration)
2. Log files are written to custom path
Since Pega 7.3 prlogging.xml is renamed with prlog4j2.xml, i have customized the log4j2 file to specify the custom path for log writing.
Issue here is post update i still see that -Dpegarules.logging.configuration is mapped to prlogging.xml which is settting through command line when i start the Tomcat server. I have modified the setenv.bat file by adding the above command to the java opts with custom folder path mapping to prlog4j2.xml. After tomcat restart i still see it is pointing to prlogging.xml file.
Help would be appreciated.