Unable to download log files after upgrade from 7.1.8 to 7.2
I am unable to download Pega log files from Pega designer studio and SMA. I come across a documentation about security-contraint removal.
Solution: The role PegaDiagnosticUser is associated with the System Management Application through a security-constraint element on the Diagnostic Data servlet defined in the prweb.war application’s web.xml file. In EAR file deployments, the web.xml file is located in the prweb.war file packaged inside the prpc_*.ear file
If you do not want to restrict access to the System Management Application, edit the web.xml file and delete the element. Changing this setting in the web.xml file might require redeploying the PegaRULES Application.
I would like to understand how to modify ear file which was provided by Pega. Is it safe to do so?
Appreciate your quick help.
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