Save Button does not show up
On behalf of Joris:
He Miki,
First of all, thanks for the introduction of our Minor today.
I started the course, but i stumbled on something rather odd. While doing the Exercise: What is in the Box is discovered a bugg in the system.
The course tells me to do the following:
4. Modify Product Offers strategy and change prioritization rule to output top 1 instead of top 3.
a. Close the open strategies and return to the change request.
On behalf of Joris:
He Miki,
First of all, thanks for the introduction of our Minor today.
I started the course, but i stumbled on something rather odd. While doing the Exercise: What is in the Box is discovered a bugg in the system.
The course tells me to do the following:
4. Modify Product Offers strategy and change prioritization rule to output top 1 instead of top 3.
a. Close the open strategies and return to the change request.
b. Click on Product Offers to open the strategy.
c. Maximize the strategy canvas.
d. Right click on Prioritize Offers strategy component and click on Properties.
e. Change Output check box from Top-3 to Top 1 and click Submit.
f. Minimize the canvas and click Save.
There is no Save Button. After watching the video i discovered that it is indeed not on the place where it is supposed to be. -> See attachement.
How could i resolve this problem?
Kind regards,
Joris van Dijk