
Last activity: 3 May 2018 13:50 EDT
Save button in Screen flow
How to add save button in screen flow in pega 7.3?
When we click on save button the values should be saved, and the Workobject should not move to other assignment, it should stay in same assignment.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Have you tried putting button with click event action as Save. My guess is it would save the workobject and should not move the assignment as well.

Thanks for Reply,
I tried this but the Work object is not staying in the same assignment.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check with normal flows if the same event- click action-save is working or not?
Also, is your application built on some framework eg: CLFMS.

Thanks for reply,
Its working for normal flows but screen flows its not working as expected

EPAM Systems, Inc.
Thanks for posting on PSC.
Concept regarding screen-flow:
If "Save on Last Step" option is configured, when user clicks "Next" button, the second screen is rendered on the UI but work won't get saved or commited in DB untill "Finish" button is clicked at last UI screen of screen-flow.
Though, if the user didn't reach the last screen the unsaved data entered in the subsequent screens get lost and next time flow action will be executed from the initial point.
Alternatively, if "Save on last step" option is configured, every time user go back and forth work is persisted to the database and if user exits in the middle of any step of screen-flow, he/she will be rendered with the screen left last time.
Could you elaborate on your requirement? Like what you want to achieve, which is not covered OOTB by screen-flow.
Hope it answers your query, kindly notify if it does.

Hi Asif Thanks for reply.
My requirement is WO is moving from one assignment to another assignment in screen flow.I need to keep a save button in every screen.When I click on save button at any screen,the data should be save on UI and the assignment should not move to the next assignment.
Katherine Gao Renuka Boddu

Aaseya IT services Pvt. Ltd.
On save button add click event with "Run Script" action.In Runscript give Function Name "doSave" with parameters bSaveAndContinue value to true and event value to event. Please find attached screenshot for reference.

Hi Swathi,
Thanks for your reply.Its Working but there is an issue.In that screen we have certain fields as mandatory.My requirement is It should save even when we dont fill the mandatory fields.

I have the same requirement. Need to save values, but mandatory field validations fire and until those fields are complete the save will not happen.
Is there any workaround for this?

Pegasystems Inc.