
Labb Consulting
Last activity: 9 Aug 2017 12:23 EDT
Regarding Data Schema Upgrade
We have already upgrade our Dev environment successfully(using appendix C approach of upgrade guide) and now we are planning to upgrade our SIT environment, so for this we are doing below high level steps:
1. Creating two blank schema one for Data and one for Rule
2. Upgrading rule schema using data pump method we are importing already upgraded complete rule schema from the Dev environment to SIT environment.
3. For Data schema we are creating all the object(tables, view, function etc) from the meta data of Dev(which is already upgarded) and afterward populating the tables again using data pump method from old schema of SIT environment to this new data schema.
So now my question as we are creating the object by getting the DDL from already upgraded dev environment, so do we need to run the in the SIT environment again, as per me we only need to run this if this scripts is doing any DML operation. So is this is doing any DML operation?
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