Last activity: 9 Jun 2017 3:05 EDT
Question on connecting adaptive model component shape in a strategy
This question is from the course content. Course name: Pega Decisioning consultant; Lesson: Using decision analytics in a decision strategy
This lesson has a video showing how one adaptive model calculates Propensity. I've a questions on how the adaptive model is connected to other components in the strategy. Attached the screenshot of the strategy I'm talking about.
1. In the strategy where Propensity adaptive model is used, prioritize component has two connectors coming IN. one from the adaptive model and another from "Calculate Margin" Set property component. Should the flow be like "Calculate Margin" -> "Set Channel Dimension" -> "Propensity to Accept" -> "Prioritize by Margin and propensity"?
I don't understand why there is a connector b/w "Calculate Margin" -> "Prioritize by Margin and propensity" shapes. Am I missing something on how to use a prioritize component? Kindly clarify