"PCO" in SQL statement
PRPC uses "PCO"."ColumName" as "Property Name" syntax in the sql statement. What is the keyword "PCO" and what PRPC requires it for?
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PRPC uses "PCO"."ColumName" as "Property Name" syntax in the sql statement. What is the keyword "PCO" and what PRPC requires it for?
Accepted Solution
I believe it is just an alias to the table name, created by prpc internally , to look the query more readable
as SELECT "PC0".PropA AS "PropA" , "PC0".pzInsKey AS "pzInsKey" FROM dbo.pc_Sae_HRServices_Work "PC0" WHERE "PC0".pxObjClass = 'Sae-HRServices-Work-ABC'
When we execute a report, to a main table, the alias will be maintained as PCO. If we use joins, join prefix will be used as an alias name.
PCO is just an alias in the query for whichever table is being selected from.
See some examples here.
Accepted Solution
I believe it is just an alias to the table name, created by prpc internally , to look the query more readable
as SELECT "PC0".PropA AS "PropA" , "PC0".pzInsKey AS "pzInsKey" FROM dbo.pc_Sae_HRServices_Work "PC0" WHERE "PC0".pxObjClass = 'Sae-HRServices-Work-ABC'
When we execute a report, to a main table, the alias will be maintained as PCO. If we use joins, join prefix will be used as an alias name.
PC0 is just an Alias for table name. For many Databases, Tables might needs to be called/identified using Schema name(Schema_NAME.TableName).
As per my understanding, For using column names, it is easier to use "PC0".ColumName(Alias for table) rather than calling Schemaname.TableName.cloumn name(Schema name wont be same for all customers).
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