how to log SQL statements
How do I get SQL statements executed within PRPC v6 & v7 applications to appear in the log files?
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How do I get SQL statements executed within PRPC v6 & v7 applications to appear in the log files?
Hi Ed -
I've moved your question to the Product Support area as you are more likely to get an answer there.
I'm not sure what SQL statements you're trying to log. You can trace specific database transactions through various methods. PRPC tracer gives you the option in the later 6 series and it's available in Pega 7. I believe you can also run database traces from inside PAL. Also, long running SQL statements are logged in the alert log. Can you explain more about what sort of context you want to be logging your trips to the database? An average Pega Platform flow will have a number of them to collect things like rules to run, objects to perform work on, etc, so you wouldn't want to be logging everything at all times.
You may also find the global db trace feature of SMA useful. /Eric
Hi Ed,
Please refer to this post for more information on Global DB Trace: Re: Can we use DBTrace to trace activity of multiple requestors in production or UAT environment?
hi Domenico,
I wonder if we are referring to two different global db trace tools. The one I am referring to is accessible from the System Management Application (SMA) under "Logging and Tracing - > Global DB Trace Management". /Eric
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