
Cognizant Technologies
Last activity: 6 Mar 2017 1:40 EST
Fetch/Create a PageList of results from an existed Pagelist doing filter(when-true) without looping over the complete list
Suppose there is an existed Pagelist(Node level DataPage) eg:TempMaster(). Now I want to filter the list from it with a when condition and want to create a new PageList out of it eg:NewPageList().
Here I don't wan't to loop over, filter and then append from the pagelist (TempMaster()) because its very long list that might contain more than 5000 records. Also I don't want to hit the DB table using Report-Definition or Obj-Filter as there would be too many hits needed in my case.
Is there any OOTB method or function to create a new pagelist from existed pagelist with some filter conditions?
Please suggest.
Thanks, Shoyeb Khan