Activity step loop over a page list
I have an activity where one of the steps is to create a work object (AddWork). Prior to this activity step I create a pyWorkPage in the clipboard for use as the step page. Within the pyWorkPage I create a page list (pxResults) with a list of all the operators (Data-Admin-Operator-ID). See screenshot for the clipboard page and activity steps.
I want to create a work object for every operator (and assign the work object to the operator).
What I tried:
In de activity I added a new step before the "call AddWork" step and selected Loop function for this step. I choosed "Loop for each embedded page" and gave pyWorkPage.pxResults as the step page. (see screenshot). Then, I nested the call AddWork step within this loop step.
But when I run the activity, only 1 work object is created. It seems that the call AddWork step is not looped as expected for the 9 pages.
Am I missing something? Or is there any better approach to do this?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***