
Last activity: 9 Oct 2016 6:18 EDT
Required Text Area is not behaving as expected.
Required fields are getting fired when trying to access the local actions on Action menu ,so user has to fill up the mandatory fields on primary actions before perform the local actions which is not expected .
All local actions are defined at case level.
PRPC :7.1.8
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa. Removed user added #helpme and Ask the Expert group tags. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***
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Updated: 4 Oct 2016 5:28 EDT

Hi Brahmesh,
I tried replicating the same use case by following the below steps at my end and found the reported behavior is not replicable at my end.
Primary Action is - Step1
Added two loacl actions at case level - TestLocalAction1,TestLocalAction2
Please find below screen shots:
Primary Flow Action:
Launched TestLocalAction1 from Actions Menu without facing any required field validation errors:
So could you please provide me more information about the issue.

Incessant Technologies
I faced the similar issue.If u set the property as required in the control,it doesnot allow you to even cancel the assignment.You can use a validate rule in the flow action and do server side validation if the above behaviour is not needed.

Looks it's product bug .. as client validation shoudn't be fired when close the assignment / trying to access the local actions.

Hi Sravanthi ,
Did you try it in 7.1.8 version .

Incessant Technologies
Hi Brahmesh,
Once you clicked on Text Area or any required field, the validation will trigger even you select any action and have to fill in required field and then pega allows to do such action because the control is at required filed. If you directly click on Action Menu to choose local actions with out clicking on required fields, then the validation will not trigger and you can continue with local actions. Hope this helps.

Niether cursor nor focus on field ,as when assignment is opened and try to access the actions under "Other Actions" then client vaidation is getting fired.
Updated: 7 Oct 2016 7:29 EDT

Areteans Technologies
Move validations to server and to denote required symbol use required label control(optionallyrequiredlabel)

Hi Dharani,
I agree, it can be validated through validation rule ,however it's always maintanence issue as keep validating the mandaotry fields from server side .
My Quesstion was why client validation is getting fired with out any action on the form .