
Last activity: 15 Oct 2015 18:53 EDT
Sometime why clipboard doesn't reflect updated property values on a page but tracer does?
Can someone please clarify this behavior of Pega? I have noticed this behavior many times specially when we call some activity on user action on UI like calling activity from a custom control(using httpRequestAsynch) like radio button, checkbox etc.
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Siva kumar Samudrala -
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Even from reloadSection desktop API you can achieve the same behavior suggested by me or Chunzhi.
Below is a sample syntax call for that API
pega.u.d.reloadSection(secNode, preActivity, preActivityParams, bFormSubmit, bSectionSubmit, '-1', false);
You can either pass preActivity with your activity here or pass bSectionSubmit param as false.
Let me know if this helps

Pegasystems Inc.
Isnt the property being overwriten by the posted value after activity execution?

Thank you Chunzhi for response!!
In tracer I can see desired properties being properly updated which I could see when I open step page from tracer, but when user action is complete and I open clipboard I don't see those updated properties values on clipboard.

Pegasystems Inc.
I remember in v 6.x the order of activity call and section refresh is important, if the section contains editable field.
if activity runs before section refresh, the updated value will be overwrriten by the value displayed on the screen, because section refresh automatically post the value back to server side. This behavior has been improved in Pega 7 by providing a check box option "do not post value" in the section refresh event action configuration form.
Siva kumar Samudrala

Yes Chunzhi! This is what exactly I am facing in 7.1.5. I didn't see the checkbox option which says do not post value. I will try that tomorrow and see if that works. I am calling an activity and just after activity call I am refreshing one section from custom control.

Pegasystems Inc.
This can also be solved if Instead of using Activity Call and Refresh Section as two events we use just Refresh Section with Activity mentioned in refresh section event itself.
Diego Mejia

Yes Pankaj, this behavior works as expected if we use OOTB controls and use refresh section with activity within refresh section.
I have observed this unexpected behavior when we have to create a custom control like radio button to be used inside a repeating grid to perform some db operation by calling activity and then refresh the section from within that custom control to reflect latest changes. since clipboard is not updated screen doesn't show updated details while tracer show everything executed properly. and it seems as per Chunzhi section reload section posts the cached values which overwrites changes made by activity. I need to find if we have any parameter to pass to reloadSection desktop API function which should skip post value. If you know this version of reloadSection method then can you pls post it here.

Pegasystems Inc.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Even from reloadSection desktop API you can achieve the same behavior suggested by me or Chunzhi.
Below is a sample syntax call for that API
pega.u.d.reloadSection(secNode, preActivity, preActivityParams, bFormSubmit, bSectionSubmit, '-1', false);
You can either pass preActivity with your activity here or pass bSectionSubmit param as false.
Let me know if this helps

Thank you Pankaj Rawal and Chunzhi Hong!! I tried reloadSection api function with parameter as false as suggested by you guys and it worked as expected.