
Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Last activity: 3 Feb 2016 22:53 EST
Pega 7.1.9 - Pega pulse - Customization
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Accepted Solution

Common Wealth Bank of Australia
At the moment, in version Pega 7.1.9 we cannot customise Pega Pulse. We can expect this feature in future versions of Pega.

Citicorp Services India Private Limited
Hi Srividhya,
You can hide File and Link tabs by saving as the available section pzPostActions in UI-Kit-7 Ruleset. and do the necessary changes to the Layout group.
Please let me know if this solves your query.

Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Thanks for the Reply, please note we can't save the section pzPostActions and also in the UI ruleset. It has to be application specific. There are three apps running and only one set of users doesn't want to see this.

Pegasystems Inc.
I agree. All rulese invovled here are final and customizing them to show only message and not file and link might not be possible!
However, there is a navigation rule pyShowFilterMenu which gives the user the option to see only their message, message with file, link etc. May be you can think of utilizing this navigation rule . Just a thought !

Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Thanks Santanu, As I said, users doesn't even want to see the tabs.
I did look at the Filter options, but that only filters the posted message and not the actual input screen.
Updated: 21 Jan 2016 1:58 EST

Citicorp Services India Private Limited
Hi Srividhya,
Yes, though pzPostActions rule was available in UI-Kit-7 Ruleset we could not save as this rule.
If you want to remove those tabs, there are two ways
1. You have to upgrade to 7.2 when it is available. In 7.2 you can customize the complete set of UI
2. You have to create your own section '<App>PulseGadget' equivalent of pxPulseGadegt section and replace the reference of pxPulseGadegt section with your section '<App>PulseGadget' in pyCaseContent section. This is one of the references, you need to find out all references and replace them all.
However Option2 is not recommended

Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Thanks Gowri.
Option 2 is what I have said, I have tried before, but there are too may sections to customize, if you have to go till the Message tab. I think its not worth going that way. The output we are getting after customizing all the sections from the pxPulseGadget till the pzShowMessageInner, is not desirable.
I think, the only option left is to wait for Pega 7.2
Accepted Solution

Common Wealth Bank of Australia
At the moment, in version Pega 7.1.9 we cannot customise Pega Pulse. We can expect this feature in future versions of Pega.