
Hawaii Medical Service Association
Last activity: 11 Mar 2016 23:37 EST
What is the locale for universal Spanish?
There is a universal Spanish language use. Is there locale code ID for universal Spanish that we can use in Pega? Can we just use es? What would be the impact on translations, date and number display?
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Pegasystems Inc.
my understanding is that the supported locales are controlled by JDK, Pega does not control that, see the list from Oracle: JDK 6 and JRE 6 Supported Locales. The article suggests that 'es' is used by JRE for user interface translation. Let's see if SMEs have more insights. Maybe you can also provide more details what your use cases are?
Updated: 11 Mar 2016 9:55 EST

Kevin, that's correct, you need to use one of those specific codes. I've seen a case where a currency control wasn't working correctly if the local was not an explicitly Java supported one (in the format of aa_BB). So in this case, you'd need to pick something like es_ES.

Pegasystems Inc.

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi Susan,
Thank you for your email. The locale settings is in designer studio, but is it available for the business users so that they can change their locale from the user/]manager portal?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Gyan,
Users can open their operator records, add a locale string (eg. “es” for Spanish) and logout/log back in.
Please check the following pdn article for more detailed information.
Updated: 11 Mar 2016 9:44 EST

The help doc you linked to is for the Locale Settings tool - which only changes these settings for one session:
"Use this tool to set temporary values for your current time zone and currency, to control the display of numbers and dates, and to control the dictionary used for spellchecking."
Also, only Java specified codes are supported (see for an example of a possible impact).

Hawaii Medical Service Association
Hi David,
I want to provide the users an ability to change their locale from the UI at runtime. I did not find details other than below specifically the looking for the details on the use of PublicAPI function setLocaleName(). I appreciate further details.
Changing locale programmatically
An activity can change a user locale temporarily by calling the PublicAPI function setLocaleName(). For example, a multilingual worker might switch between English and Spanish rapidly, to match the speech of an incoming caller, by clicking a button on the Process Work workspace.
This lets your application implement a user selection of locale (as application users do not ordinarily have access to the Locale Settings tool).

Pegasystems Inc.
>>> I want to provide the users an ability to change their locale from the UI at runtime.

Be sure to use one of the codes here: JDK 6 and JRE 6 Supported Locales (as Kevin mentioned).
In your case, I think you'd want "es_ES".
Not using one of these can cause some controls to not function correctly.