
Huntington Bancshares Inc
Last activity: 1 May 2016 20:20 EDT
Where is Data Read timeout value set in PRPC server for a HTTP request ?
Need to determine how long will the browser wait when a HTTP request is sent to the app(prpc) server before returning 502s?
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Hello Nipun,
Please check the below Help and see if it helps you.
Ravi Kumar
Updated: 11 Apr 2016 11:15 EDT

Huntington Bancshares Inc
Hi Ravi -
The article is not of much help as its focus is on PRPC requestor/pages timing out. Would like to know, if for an active requestor, there is any data read timeout when HTTP request is unable to read data from PRPC server ?

Virtusa IT Consulting
Read timeout you can set on the first tab of Connect-HTTP rule

Huntington Bancshares Inc
Hi Habeeb -
This is not related to a connector or a service. This is related to a simple HTTP browser request made from the browser to the pega server.

Virtusa IT Consulting
Well I believe that depends on your browser settings for request, connection and TimeToLive timeout values.

Huntington Bancshares Inc
when does a HTTP request time out in 6.3 SP1 ? How long will the request wait for the PRPC server to respond ?

Virtusa IT Consulting

Huntington Bancshares Inc
There is no Connect-HTTP rule involved in the browser requests here. Its like, simple navigation from one page to the other without any Connect-HTTP rules

Can you paste the exception from the PegaRULES logs? How are you sending the request to Pega, for example if you use SOAPUI, it will tell you the time taken for full transaction, i.e. sending request and in how much time the response was received.

Huntington Bancshares Inc
There are no errors in the logs. The browser request is made within PRPC application going from one screen to the other.. The below HTTP request failed with HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway. How long will the browser wait before returning with HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway ?
HTTP request -
/prweb/PRServletLDAP1/jQjmDQxmwX0-EsfffKuOG3GQSukMTyF7*/!STANDARD?pyActivity=FinishAssignment&HarnessMode=ACTION&TargetFrame=ActionFrame&pzTransactionId=6228c6da49393550a4730e6ff9c183ed&pzFromFrame=ActionFrame&pzPrimaryPageName=pyWorkPage&TaskIndex=1&HarnessPurpose=Perform HTTP/1.1

Huntington Bancshares Inc
The HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway for the below browser request is seen in the webserver logs.
HTTP request -
/prweb/PRServletLDAP1/jQjmDQxmwX0-EsfffKuOG3GQSukMTyF7*/!STANDARD?pyActivity=FinishAssignment&HarnessMode=ACTION&TargetFrame=ActionFrame&pzTransactionId=6228c6da49393550a4730e6ff9c183ed&pzFromFrame=ActionFrame&pzPrimaryPageName=pyWorkPage&TaskIndex=1&HarnessPurpose=Perform HTTP/1.1

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Hi Nipun,
Please increase the webserver plugin ServerIOTimeout value to a higher value.Please refer
IBM Recommended values for web server plug-in config - United States