
Last activity: 24 Sep 2019 15:53 EDT
Where do we set the deployment tier while deploying PRPC application
Hello All,
Where do we set the deployment tier option for deploying the prpc application. When I see the deployment tier of our application in lower environments like Dev/Test/Acc, it shows as in the attachment and in production it shows webandEnterprise. Our EJBs are not getting loaded in dev, test and acceptance.
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to tag SR to post***
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Pegasystems Inc.
You should deploy prpc application either as ear - webandEnterprise or war - webOnly (see the installation guide). I assume you should use the same option across all envs.

Hi KevinZheng,
Thanks for your reply. I went through the installation guide and dont see any option saying webOnly or WebandEnterprise. The only thing I find is if we install prpc ear then its webandEnterprise else webonly for prpc war. For our application, we always deploy ear but the tier shows different in lower environments.
How can that be possible, Is there any other setting am I missing here.

Pegasystems Inc.
if you always deploy ear, then please attach the startup log for the lower environments with errors. There are no other settings. What application server are you using?

Attached is the server start up log file. Below is part of the log file. If you can see it says deployed in web tier only.
Attached is the server start up log file. Below is part of the log file. If you can see it says deployed in web tier only.

Websphere server

Pegasystems Inc.
something is not right in your deployment/environment. go ahead and create a SR with GCS, we can take a look at your deployment. I assume you are already deploying the prpc_j2ee14_ws.ear and follow the installation guide, right?

We are deploying the ear from beginning but there was change at deploying things in websphere which made it to deploy the ear as web tier, already raised an SR for the same. Hoping PEGA team to help me in identifying the root cause. Thanks for your instant replies.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please share SR#? We can track the solution once it is resolved.


Pegasystems Inc.
Hi there,
I reviewed the logs attached, I have a couple of things for you to check:
1. Do you have any MDBs in your ear file? In other words, if you try to deploy OOTB ear (without any customization), does that work? If yes, please attach your own ear to the SR for further review.
2. Otherwise, If #1 does not work even for OOTB ear, please check the SDK profile of your deployment manager (dmgr profile: with command similar to this
./ -listEnabledProfileAll -verbose). Now if the profile shows sdk version of 1.6.*, set it 1.7 and redeploy the ear.
./ -enableProfileAll -sdkName 1.7.1_64 –enableServers
You can also achieve this using Admin Console.

I have few MDBs in the ear file and also attached the ear file in the SR. I will need to see whether i can try the OOTB ear. I will let you after trying it. I dont think i can try that step right away.

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated Support Request, it was resolved that you would be following up with the Websphere Team. Please share your findings from them if possible.
Thank you!