
Last activity: 14 Sep 2017 5:48 EDT
How to run BIX extracts in a schdule
Can you please share the information that how to run BIX extract in a schedule in PRPC?
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Accepted Solution

The activity pxExtractDataWithArgs is available from Pega 7.1.8 + BIX 7.1.8. It has been enhanced in 7.1.9. The user guide talks about the latest 7.1.x version.
For OS scheduling, it will depend on what operating system you are using. You can set up a cron job in *NIX environments or a Windows scheduler job if you are using MS Windows. There is a batch file provided for command line execution of BIX and the shell script for *NIX is mentioned in the BIX user guide. You can schedule this via the OS.

Hi Malinda,
What exactly is your end goal? Are you trying to run BIX extracts at specific times each day or something like that?
Also, what version of Pega are you using?

Yes , I want to run BIX extracts at specific times each day, for example: overnight except Canada Holidays, Using a agent can we do that, but how can it be called from the activity in a agent. Is there any better way to do it?
This is Pega 7.1.7
Thanks Nicholas

If you want to run BIX in an agent in PRPC, the pxExtractDataWithArgs activity, which is meant to address this, is available from 7.1.8 onwards.
Prior to that, we only support running the extract rule from the rule form or using the command line version. Note that the command line version can be scheduled to run via OS scheduling to run at regular intervals. Please refer to the BIX user guide -

Hi Rajiv, Our Pega Application vesrsion is 7.1.7, to have a agent activity, should it be upgrade to 7.1.8 or 7.1.9 . As per the User guide, it is for 7.1.9.. Can you clarify this?
If we use existing version, then it should be run via OS scheduling to run at regular intervals, therefore can you what should be required to make that OS scheduling such as what kind of scripts required and so..on.
Accepted Solution

The activity pxExtractDataWithArgs is available from Pega 7.1.8 + BIX 7.1.8. It has been enhanced in 7.1.9. The user guide talks about the latest 7.1.x version.
For OS scheduling, it will depend on what operating system you are using. You can set up a cron job in *NIX environments or a Windows scheduler job if you are using MS Windows. There is a batch file provided for command line execution of BIX and the shell script for *NIX is mentioned in the BIX user guide. You can schedule this via the OS.

Verizon Wireless
1)Can we do batch extract runs using the activity pxExtractDataWithArgs or do we need to go for command-line extraction process ?
2) pyArgs parameter in the activity pxExtractDataWithArgs speaks about the Command Line Parameters to be passed.Could you please provide information about those parameters ?
3) We are using PRPC (7.2) + BIX version (7.2) : Please suggest whether we need to go with the Pega BIX agent or the Command-line extraction process (Please keep performance and the batch run extracts into consideration).
4) Could you please additional details about the following detail "For example, you may want to avoid disrupting a production instance of Pega 7 Platform," in the below mentioned description.
Stand-alone command-line BIX extractions
"In certain circumstances, you may want to establish BIX as a stand-alone command-line process, rather than running it from within a Pega 7 Platform system. For example, you may want to avoid disrupting a production instance of Pega 7 Platform, or you may want to use the same instance of BIX to extract data from multiple Pega 7 Platform instances."
5) Couldnt find the below recommended article.Please help.
Updated: 14 Sep 2017 5:48 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Pradeep,
I see that you created a new post and was then referenced to this discussion in a reply. Do you mind posting these questions back on the new post please? Recommended BIX Extract schedule - Agent or scheduling jobs (Crontab or Control-M).
The above discussion was resolved back in 2016 and the SME who responded then, no longer works on Pega. Therefore, reposting these questions on your new post would gain better visibility.