Split for Each Breadcrumb not showing up
So I think I have found a pega "bug" where under certain circumstances the chevrons at the top of the case window don't show up for all Assignments that the user performs. Here is the exact situation.
1. Work class has an embedded pagelist (ex .Items() )
2. Somewhere in the flow there is a Split for Each shape on the pagelist using a screenflow.
3. The very first item in the screenflow is a fork with a When condition going to an Assignment (with breadcrumb enabled) and the other to the end shape.
Observed: if the When condition returns true for the first item in the pagelist, the breadcrumb shows up. If it is false for the first item the breadcrumb is not visible, but the flow still executes as expected and runs the Assignment shape for every item where the When evaluates to true.
I tried a number of things including reversing the when condition and Else, either way the breadcrumb only shows up if the First pagelist item returns True when evaluated.
Can anyone confirm? Is there a workaround?