App explorer in the designer 7.1.7 is not showing the class structure and ending with error.
Hello there,
The app explorer in the designer 7.1.7 is not showing the class structure and ending with the below error :
/* Problem executing pzAssemblePreprocess for RULE-HTML-SECTION @BASECLASS PZAPPEXPLORER #20140328T150714.363 GMT Problem invoking function: pega_uiengine_pzcontrol.pzActionOpenWizard--(ClipboardPab453fa71666b0404864bd1cd8dd4cdfe, com.pegarules.generated.pzActionOpenWizard_071015_E$CwNA1aRNtDQt9JROOhQw */
Any advice/suggestion will be helpful.
Option tried: Clicked the generate library button in the library : pzControl of Ruleset Pega-UIEngine and server restarted but still the problem exists.
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